LOOK The NFL forgot to paint hashmarks on part of the field at the Super Bowl

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MINNEAPOLIS -- Um, there's a slight problem at the Super Miami Hurricanes Jersey Bowl: The NFL forgot to put hashmarks on part of the field.As you probably know, the field at the Super Bowl gets a special coating of paint in the weeks before the big game. Since the game is being played in Minnesota, a crew had to erase all the the Vikings paint from the field and add designs for the Patriots and Eagles.Here what the Super Bowl field looked like just hours before kickoff on Sunday: If you've ever wondered what a mostly empty Super Bowl stadium looks like, here's your answer. John Breech (@johnbreech) After erasing the Vikings logos, the NFL also had to paint two Super Bowl logos on the field, plus an NFL shield, and that's where the problem came in. Apparently, the crew that was handling the paint job Braxton Berrios Jersey forgot to put hashmarks over the Super Bowl logos, which meant that two hours before kickoff, another crew had to come out and finish the job. Looks like they forgot to paint the hashmarks over the Super Bowl logo. Two hours and change til kickoff. Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer) The original crew also apparently forgot to put hashmarks over the NFL shield at midfield, so yup, that also had to be fixed. They forgot hashmarks in the logos - in the Super Bowl - so guys are Rodney Miller Jr. Jersey painting them in with paintbrushes Mark Daniels (@MarkDanielsPJ) Let's take a look at the emergency paint crew in action. The NFL forgot to paint hashmarks over the on-field logos, so theyre doing so by hand 2 1/2 hours before the Super Bowl. Big-time jimbo. Zack Cox (@ZackCoxNESN) The good news is that we don't have to cancel the Super Bowl, because the hashmark situation has been taken care of. To keep tabs on the Jimmy Graham Jersey Eagles-Patriots game from Minneapolis, be sure to .
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